




这就是这些食谱进来的地方。它们很容易,宽容,适应性和相当的万无一失。此外,其中两个依赖于罐头海鲜 - 这是一个令人惊讶的经济替代品,当时暗示着明亮的调味料,这是惊人的美味。另外,我们保留所有碳水化合物良好,低,以便您可以在没有血糖尖刺的情况下吃任何美味的饭菜。继续尝试他们(并鼓励你家里的持怀疑态度的食物尝试它们)。



如果您可以使用新鲜的蛤蜊,那么您可能知道该怎么办。但这种配方,使用已经准备好,容易获得,令人惊讶的经济超市罐头蛤蜊(在罐装金枪鱼附近寻找它们)是令人震惊的美味。特别是考虑到你正在使用夏南瓜面而不是扁面条面条!(If lowering carbs is not your particular aim, you can use ¾ pound cooked linguine instead of the zucchini noodles.) I have to give you a range of serving sizes here, though, because I wanted the recipe to serve four – but it’s actually kind of too good to. If you do eke out four servings, just be sure to serve a ginormous salad alongside so that you have somewhere to direct people who are sad to find their plates empty.



如果您之前从未使用过罐头鲑鱼,则为启示录。This is an old-fashioned thrifty type of recipe in that it’s designed to stretch an already fairly inexpensive ingredient (canned fish), but then – thanks to the herbs and lemon and Old Bay seasoning – it ends up tasting very deliciously like the kind of fancy crab cakes that you would follow around at a wedding reception when they were passing hors d’oeuvres. Cold the next day, and wrapped in a lettuce leaf, one of these makes my ideal lunch. Please note: these are a little bit fussy to fry as they’re inclined to fall apart if you don’t use a very light touch as you’re flipping them. If the fragility is going to drive you crazy, swap in an egg and 1 tablespoon of mayo for the 1/3 cup of mayo. (I like the fluffy texture of the all-mayo version, but maybe it might not be worth it to you.) Also, not to be immodest, but this is pretty much the most delicious tartar sauce.


3. C.Hipotle-Lime虾沙拉配萝卜和鳄梨

如果虾是自由的,我每天晚上都会吃这个。这是脆脆和奶油(谢谢,萝卜和鳄梨),虾本身都是馅饼和嫩,有点辛辣。所以它基本上是一个完美的食物。It’s also fairly forgiving, in terms of the shrimp you use: mine were on the smaller side this time, and tailless, but you could use bigger ones with or without tails and – sorry if this sounds like heresy – you can even start with *cooked* shrimp. I have done this, and I still marinate and fry them more or less as directed here, because I’m a sucker for the flavors, and they’re great that way. But it would be easier simply to dump the cooked shrimp on top of the salad and then dress the whole thing, and you should feel free to try that.



这碟内部设法达到美味的Teriyaki氛围,而无需添加任何精致的甜味剂,当我们的儿子很少时,这对他成为鲑鱼的情人来说是几乎是门口。I’m lazy, so I like to broil it, but if folks in your household will be more excited by kabobs, then by all means cut the salmon into 1-inch chunks and thread salmon, zucchini, cherry tomato, and red onion chunks onto bamboo skewers (first soak the bare skewers in water for 30 minutes). Then broil the kabobs or grill them on a well-oiled grill for 5 minutes. Another possible variation is using a different fish – black cod, maybe, or sea bass – but there is something truly magical about the flavor of the fruity sweet-tart glaze with the rich salmon. Serve with菜花炒饭, 如果你喜欢。



凯瑟琳喜欢写关于食物和喂养人的人。除了她的食谱和育儿博客Ben&Birdy.(约有15,000周的读者),她编辑了劈斩一系列任务驱动的烹饪杂志。这家儿童烹饪杂志于2013年赢得了今年年度奖项的詹姆斯胡须刊登 - 这是赢得IT的第一个非营利性 - 以及父母的选择黄金奖。她的书 ”如何成为一个人“发表于2020年。她还帮助开发了萌芽,为妇女,婴儿和儿童(WIC)以及经验丰富的妇女,婴儿和儿童(WIC)的家庭杂志的WIC版本的杂志,以及他们的高级版本。他们分发了a million magazines annually, through paid subscriptions, doctor’s offices, schools, and hospitals. Their mission started with obesity as its explicit focus – and has shifted, over the years, to a more holistic one, with health, happiness, and real food at its core. That’s the same vibe Catherine brings to the diaTribe column.



